Harry Potter

Goodbye Harry Potter.

Hello muggles. How do you feel? I'm feeling so not cool because my favourite movie since I was kid is over. I still remember when the 1st Harry Potter movie has been released, me and my childhood classmate were so obsessed with the magic and what we do? We pulled out the water colour brushes and make it like a wand. We spelled out the words and started to fight. What the funny moment is, I have been painting the same scars as Harry Potter on my forehead and act like Harry, but my friend's mad at me and said . .

My friend: "Hey, I am the one who should be Harry, not you!". 
Me: "Are you kidding me? You are fat! Not suitable to be Harry!"
My friend: *GULP* "ok . . I am fat. Nevermind, you are Harry then"
Me: *making a smug face*

Hahaha, pity him. But that is such a good moment to flashback :') I don't know where is he now. We had lost contact since I was in Year 4. Oh ya, me and him also had a fight because of Harry Potter's book. What happend at the end? Well ofcourse,  I'm always win! :p I bought the book first and showed to him on the next day at school. He was jealous against me and seem don't wanna talk to me anymore since that day. Pardon me dude :(

When I was kid, I thought that Hogwarts was real. I'd always wish that I'll get a letter from Hogwarts. But that would never happend. Never.

A good thing to let go . .
Goodbye Harry Potter :')